Privacy Policy

Owner and Data Controller

Digilica S.L.
Calle Oca 27B
Chiclana de la Frontera
Cádiz 11130

1 Types of data we collect

1.1 These are Internet cookies, IP addresses, usage data, first name, last name, email address, mobile telephone number, street addresses and locations/places of interest, your current location, unique identifiers, data held in system logs, credit/debit card details (not stored) and details provided to us in the course of your use of the services, e.g. additional notes or comments.

1.2 In the case of payment card details we do not store these and any third parties we may use to complete a card transaction will be vetted to ensure that they follow secure procedures and adhere to all relevant regulations.  We only ever store unique token IDs associated with specific cards to facilitate repeat use, and these tokens are of no use by themselves and therefore there is no risk to you.

1.3 We do not store any bank or other financial institution account details.  

1.4 The data provided may be freely provided by you or sought directly (including some data being collected automatically) by us or our partners, but either way, all data is needed for and used within the confines of our services we provide to you or for other legitimate commercial purposes (see below).  If data we request from you is not provided this may make it impossible for us to provide you with a service.  

1.5 You are responsible for any third party data they you may collect, share or publish through our services, and you confirm that you have the right to use the given data in such a manner.

2 Data Processing

2.1 The data owner takes appropriate measures to ensure the security of all data to prevent any unauthorised access, modification, deletion or disclosure of the data held.

2.2 For the most part the data is processed by internal systems and processes.  In may also be visible to internal staff and to the staff of related third parties such as our partners where this is necessary to provide our services.  You may request a list of these parties should you wish.

3 Purpose & Legal basis of data processing

3.1 To enable the effective provision of our services we will need to collect, either directly or through third parties, your personal data.

3.2 We may use the data collected in any case you have given consent, for example in a sign up process.  

3.3 We may also use data collected without consent unless you choose to “opt-out” of the collection and usage of your data.  This may not apply in cases where the processing of personal data is subject to European data protection law.

3.4 We may also use your data where this is necessary to meet the performance of any contractual obligations we may have.

3.5 Data usage is also permitted where it is required to comply with a legal obligation on the part of the owner.  This includes in any case whereby we may need to use the data for legal purposes in a court, either for the use of TriggerAppy Ltd, for a related third parties use, or at the request of a public authority.

3.6 Finally, we may also process your data where it’s in the public interest to do so, or for a legitimate interest of the data owner or that of a related third party.

4 Place of Processing

4.1 The data is processed either at our official offices, at a data centre we may use to store and process data, or at the office of, or other data store used by, a related third party.

4.2 It may be the case therefore, that data transfer of your data to other countries than your country of residence may occur.

5 Data retention time

5.1 Data shall be stored and processes for as long as it reasonably required for the purposes they have been collected for.

5.2 The owner may be permitted to store data for longer with your consent.

5.3 The owner may also be required to store the data for longer if a legal obligation deems this necessary.

5.4 Once no longer required, the data shall be deleted and any rights over that data shall also cease to exist.

6 Your rights over your data

6.1 You may withdraw your consent to collect, store or process your data at any time.  This may make it impossible to continue to offer our services to you.

6.2 You may request confirmation as to the personal data we hold about you, and how this is being used.

6.3 You may ask us to rectify any errors in your personal data we hold.

6.4 You may ask us to delete all your personal data.  After this, we would no longer be able to offer our service to you unless your data was subsequently provided and collected again with new consent from you where this is required.

6.5 You may lodge a complaint with the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (AEPD)

6.6 Should you wish to exercise any of these rights please contact us in the first instance by emailing us through our contact form at  We will endeavour to respond as quickly as possible, and within a one month notice at the latest.

7 Variation

7.1 Digilica S.L. reserves the right to revise this policy at any time.  It is therefore recommended that you check this page at regular intervals.

7.2 The current version is valid from 31st July 2024